
Surveying the FedEx St. Jude Classic Golf Tournament

From Press Release

Allen & Hoshall employees volunteered their time at the PGA’s FedEx St.Jude Classic golf tournament.

Several of our land surveyors were right at home using survey equipment to locate the golf balls on the fairways and greens at the TPC Southwind Golf Course.  Using a combination of conventional total stations, RTK GPS receivers and laser distance meters, they were able to locate the player’s golf shot to within inches and provide distance information to the television networks.  New this year was the ability to use Microsoft Surface Pro tablets and a series of digital cameras around the greens to create digital imagery of the golf balls when they landed on the green and provide additional distance information to the hole.  Every shot that each player makes during the four day tournament is stored and used to compile a statistical database of their golf game.


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