
Harding Academy Sports Field Improvements

Memphis, Tennessee

♦ 2016 Division II Field of the Year – Tennessee Baseball Coaches Association ♦

Allen & Hoshall provided engineering services for improvements to the sports field at the Cherry Road Campus.  The project included upgrading/replacing existing facilities and drainage improvements for the football field, baseball field, and tennis courts.

The football field improvements included replacing the existing grass with a new turf field system including underground drainage system. The field is composed of a gravel base layer with perforated pipes for drainage, rubber cushioning system, and then the grass turf. Fine granules of rubber were then spread across the field to make the turf fibers stand up and create the real grass effect. The project also included replacing the existing shot put area with a specialized material made specifically for that event.

The existing baseball field was completely replaced to provide a correctly sized field for competitive high school play. The field was shifted away from the adjacent neighbors and the backstop was enlarged to provide more protection. The field was built using specialized infield soil called “mule mix” and hybrid Tifway 419 Bermuda in the outfield.

The existing tennis courts were completely replaced with a first class tennis facility. The fencing was designed to provide protection from the adjacent courts and to prevent tennis balls from interfering with other matches. The fencing was also designed to provide the public with a better viewing experience. The courts were painted blue to match the Harding colors.

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