Chattanooga, TN
Allen & Hoshall is providing energy engineering services to the Tennessee Valley Authority to meet the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA 2007) 42 U.S.C. 8253(f)(3)(A) energy and water evaluations on agencies “covered facilities” that represent 75% of total facility energy use. In order to meet this requirement, 25% of TVA’s covered facilities are to be audited for energy and water conservation measures per calendar year. To date the studies have covered 25,461,000 SF at more than 40 TVA Facilities. The facilities are located throughout the TVA service area including Alabama, Kentucky, and Tennessee.
An example of one project included in this program is the Preliminary Energy Study and associated design of the 1.2 million sq. ft. Chattanooga Office Complex consisting of four major buildings. All buildings are served by the same mechanical HVAC system and connected with walkways on the third floor and the common basement floors.
Allen & Hoshall and TVA performed an on-site audit in October of 2009 to determine potential recommendations for reducing energy and water consumption at the Chattanooga Office Complex (COC) . The study included existing condition descriptions, energy conservation measures (ECM) descriptions, energy savings, implementation costs, and lifecycle analysis. Each ECM description summarized the existing conditions related to the recommended ECM.Detailed ECM calculations include electrical consumption, electrical demand, water consumption, and system maintenance savings where appropriate.
The projected annual energy savings for all ECMs was approximately $570,000 including avoided maintenance costs.